Thermal Systems
High quality, resistive, ultra-clean heaters for inside and outside of vacuum chambers. RTD's, Thermocouples, and a complete line of ceramic and stainless steel sheath heaters. All heaters, sensors, and heater assemblies are cleaned with IPA, bagged and tagged with your part number
22 to 750C, resistive heat, sensing, with optional built-in controllers
Silicone Sheathed Stainless Flow Gas Line Heaters
High Watt Density Chamber Heaters - With and Without Thermocouples
Tight tolerances of heater to substrate/workpiece for longer heater life
Built-in sensor and over temp for tighter control and safety
High-temperature brazing, welding, and sealing available for all heaters
Hermetically sealed heaters (<202C) with >4500 M.ohm resistance values
Industries Served:
Semiconductor capital equipment
Space exploration
Analytical devices
Medical devices
Food Services
OEM Applications
Silicone & Polyimide Sheathed Heaters <232C
Additional Data on Silicone and Polyimide Heaters
Hermetically Sealed Rod Heaters <202C